Published On: April 16, 2022Categories: E Series Secure Video Transmission Products

Advanced Microwave Products (AMP) has launched the E series Encrypted Analog FM transmitters and Receivers products including the EST1 Secure Video Transmitter, The ESR1 Secure Video Receiver, and the EDR1 Series Secure Diversity Receiver.

The E series offers rugged compact enclosures, 256 bit Micro-View/AudioLockII or AMP DVA, programmable encryption key, and optional audio and data channels (DVA only). The frequency can be programmed manually, via presets, or remotely.

The E Series video transmitters and receivers are a great option for secure video transmission for Law Enforcement, Surveillance, Unmanned Systems, and Military applications.

About AMP:

Advanced Microwave Products (AMP) specializes in developing rugged analog FM and COFDM video transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers for law enforcement, surveillance, and military applications.

AMP’s engineering staff is experienced in a broad range of active and passive RF and microwave electronics and has developed many patented designs. The factory is configured to support total project management from the design and prototype stages through full production.

Dan Willis
Advanced Microwave Products
(775) 345-9933 x702